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File name: | Pioneer-XRP340_640_740 aud sys.part1.rar [preview XRP340, XRP640, XRP740] |
Size: | 3072 kB |
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Mfg: | Pioneer |
Model: | XRP340, XRP640, XRP740 🔎 |
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Descr: | audio system |
Group: | Electronics > Consumer electronics > Audio |
Uploaded: | 20-08-2010 |
User: | AndyMn |
Multipart: | 0 1 2 3 4 |
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Decompress result: | OK | |
Extracted files: | 1 | |
File name Pioneer-XRP340_640_740 aud sys.pdf (v)proNeerl" Tlp Art ot Entertaiment ^ /oo. Service Manual 6 q _f__l:iio o6tb .68 it a5 _EB :tr)lo6a- ORDER NO. RRV1O23 r; R.P74()M x R-P64olul x R-P34()M XR P7 4 o XR P6 4 o XR P3 4 o I I I Typ. SD Modol STEREO MULTI-PLAYCD CASSETTE DECKRECEIVER STEREO CASSETTE CD DECKRECEIVER THISMANUALIS APPLICABLE THEFOLLOWING TO IVIODEL(SI TYPE(S}. AND r xR-P740M xR-P740 xR-P640M XR-P6/|{) xR-P3/l(,M xR'P340 Powor Roquhemant Tha vohago cln ba convanod by lh. folowlng m.thod. With the voltago solector o o o o o o KU KC o o o o o o AC110V t120- 127V I 220V t240V AC240V AC120V AC120V CONTENTS CHAPTER1 -5 -8 -9 - t l 1 . 8 P A R T SL I S T F O RP A C K I N G N D A . E X P L O D EV T E W S. . .. . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . .1 - 3 8 D ... 1-47 1 . 9 P C BP A R T SL I S T CHAPTER2 2.1 PACKING ND EXPLODEDIEWS , . 2-2 A V 2 . 2 S C H E M A T I C N D P C BC O N N E C T I O N A ...2-16 DfAGRAMS -20 PIONEER ELECTRONIC CORPORATION o P|oNEER ELECTRONTC CORPORATTON 1993. PIONEERELECTRONICS SERVTCE lNC. pO Box 1760,Long Bea;h, CatrJornra 90801U.S.A. PDNEERELECTROI{ICSOFCANAOA,tNC.3O0A slareparkwayN.4arkham,OntanoL3BOp2Canada jO87 Keetberataan PIONEERELECTROT{IC t,9j2O Met;ete. Betorurn [EUROPE]N.V Haven PIoNEEB ELEcrRoNlcs AusrBALla Pw. LTD. r78 r84 Boundaryioad B 3195 Ausrra a TLL [03]580,99r1 4,j, Mesurochome, I Mesuro rokyo Japan ku, 1s3 r DFFDEC.1993 Printedin Japan XR-P74()M, XR-P64()M, XR-P34()M xR-P7 &, XR-pOaO, XR-P34() CHAPTER 1 1.1 SAFETYINFORMATION This service manual is intended for quallfled service technicians; lt ls not meant tor the casual do-it-yourselfer. Oualified technicians have the necessary test equiprnent and tools, and have been trained to properly and safely repair complex products such as those covered by this manual. lmproperly performed repairs can adverselyaftoct ths.satety and retiabilityof the product and may void the warranty, It you are not qualified to pertorm ths repair ot thls product properly and safely, you should not risk trying to do so and reter the repairto a qualllled servlcetechniclan. WARNING Lead in 3oldor us6d in thlr ptoducl ir liltod by th. Celifornia Hcalth and Wcltaro agoncy aa a known .sproductiva toxicant which may cause birth defoct. or othor r.prcductive hetm (Calllo.nia Hoelth & Saf.ty Cod., Sectlon 25249.S). Whsn s.rvicing o. handling circuit board. end oth..! which contein l..d in .old.r, .void unprotoctod !kin contact with the 3oldor. Alao, when aold.rlng do not inhala eny amok. or lurnar produc.d. NOTICE (FOR MODEL CANADIAN ONLY) Fuse symbols S (last operating fuse) and/or * mustbe ol adentical designation. (slowoperating parts fuse) on PCB indicate that replacement REMARQUE (POUR MODELE CANADIEN SEULEMENT) Les symboles lusibleF (fusible type rapide) de de evou -E8pidces remDlacement de doivent avoir mCme la dsionation. ( F O U S A M O D E LO N L Y ) R (tusible type lent)sur CCI indiquent les que de l . S A F E T YP R E C A U T I O N S T |
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